
Looking up from the typewriter

Speech writing tips, industry commentary, and looks at the current world of public speaking.

Speech Tip: Fold Your Speech?

Speech Tip: Fold Your Speech?

You've seen the guy reach into his suit coat and pull out his speech. Maybe it is a little dog-eared. A tiny rip  barely seen in the audience? What confidence! It is folded as you would for a letter in an envelope. He unveils his glorious speech section-by-section,...

Speech Tip: 26 Will Do You Fine

Speech Tip: 26 Will Do You Fine

You've got what it takes to write well: The English alphabet, the same general vocabulary pool, and a strong sense of how to speak. Confident writing is available to you. The rest is fine-tuning. How I Know: I played on the chess team in high school. Sixth board. I...

Text vs Style

Text vs Style

Great speeches always involve a great message. Personal charisma can help tell that message well, but it is the substance you need to be extraordinary. We envision great speakers as having amazing podium skills. They do, but what sets them apart is something quieter:...

Speech Tip: Eulogizing President Bush

Speech Tip: Eulogizing President Bush

Speech Tip: Eulogizing President Bush The eulogy for President George Bush is loaded with challenges. I wrote similar things when John McCain died. Eulogies about public figures such as President Bush, 41, are hard for several reasons. Death is always personal, but...


When you hire me, you are hiring a person, not an assistant or an agency. You receive personal service throughout your project.

I work with both new and experienced speakers, and understand the needs of various contexts and goals.

Whether you need coaching or a speech or script, I can help. I am based in Atlanta, but work globally.

What We Do

From strategy to speech, we can help. Whether you want a full suite of themed speeches or need to refresh your main presentation, we can help. Our clients are changing the world as they speak before major companies and universities. We bridge literary prowess and strategic communications to help speakers sound amazing. Discreet.

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AmerIcan Speechwriter

Atlanta, Georgia
+1 630 890 9351