The holidays are coming and you, the CEO, want to say something of substance to your team or to the entire company. You want to celebrate the year, the holidays, look forward to the next year, and highlight key victories and employees.
Christmas Speeches Are Here
Meanwhile, not only can you honor the full lives of your employees, you can also build your company. It all folds together. Employees are real people trying to find the right balance. The end of the year, however successful the company has been, can be difficult. Hard things can be happened. You don’t need to be their counselor, but your speech can recognize the wholeness of their humanity, not just their work life.
What About Me?
I worked part of my early career writing for international religious nonprofits. I can help you navigate this speech in a way that encourages your team and stays true to your beliefs. This can be done while respecting the diversity of your employees.
We’ll discuss your company’s strengths and weaknesses from the previous year, the demographics of your team, and what the next year is looking like.
When you think of Christmas speeches, think deeply. Few holidays a company celebrate resound as greatly in your employees’ collective pulse.
While it is true we live in a complex, global world, a Christmas speech can celebrate a great day and a great company. Let’s talk.

Get In Touch
AmerIcan Speechwriter
Atlanta, Georgia
+1 630 890 9351