Speech Writing Service:
Keynote: Failure as a Positive: Going from the Bottom to the Top
Failure is your friend. I know what the bottom looks like. Chances are you’ve seen it too.
I’ll tell you my tale of misery but I’ll emphasize how I never gave up. I’ll talk about how I went from the bottom of the class to clients speaking at Harvard and raising millions of dollars.
Expect a riveting and sometimes silly journey back and forth as I describe what I wish I knew then. Speed things up for yourself. Skip the School of Hard Knocks and go the head of the class.
You’ve heard it all before: Failure is just the beginning of success. Now hear it in a way which will push you and your team forward out of mediocrity.
Format: 20-60 minute keynote
This program is perfect for:
- Sales meetings
- Leadership conferences
- Awards events
- Commencement addresses
- The audience will be hungry to make changes in their lives.
- They’ll laugh as they recognize themselves in the quandaries I describe.
- Delivered by executive speechwriter, Anthony Trendl
Contact me to discuss rates and availability.

Get In Touch
AmerIcan Speechwriter
Atlanta, Georgia
+1 630 890 9351