Retirement Speeches

There are a few times at your workplace you can say what you please without concern what the boss thinks.

Retire In Style

Need a toast or speech for your retirement? I can help.

Be funny, outrageous, or completely dignified. You own the microphone.

And why not? You are the guest of honor. You have earned this. You retire once from your career. Give your audience everything you’ve got. Hold nothing back and have plenty of fun in the process.

Retiring from a job filled with memories, friends and great adventures — it isn’t easy. How do you sum up 20, 30, or even 60 years of working for one company? This is no eulogy. This is a celebration not of what you have done, but what you will do.

You could just deliver an ordinary, canned speech found in one of those “great speeches for all occasions” books, but why not go out big? Go out with style, with passion, let everyone know the best is yet to come?

Do you want to bring more to the microphone? Want to make them laugh or cry? Want to tell a story but aren’t sure how to say it?

You have the opportunity to thank people, or to honor employees whose jobs go unsung. Use your time at the podium to give gifts, or even to razz colleagues (tastefully). The only limitation is the allotted time.

I will help you write your speech. I will help you know the best way to deliver it. I can even coach you word-by-word.

Whether you are retiring, or honoring someone else, I will help you deliver with confidence your appreciation.


Get In Touch

13 + 12 =

AmerIcan Speechwriter

Atlanta, Georgia
+1 630 890 9351