Use your fame to change the world.
Make a Difference in This World
You find yourself asked to help inspire kids, or raise money for important causes. Your client appreciates your public presence, and knows people will listen to what you will say.
You know what you want to say but need help giving your ideas structure and form. I can help.
If you have speaking engagements coming up, or want to develop a stock of a few speeches you can deliver as needed, please contact me.
I can develop a series of messages, weaving in overlapping material, with a call to action throughout.
Whether you need a quick 15-minute talk or a 45-minute keynote address, I can take your direction and help you meet your audience’s high expectations.
Integrate your speech with Q&A with prepared answers you would then deliver organically. We would expect certain questions and develop responses. You would learn the responses and reply naturally, without a script.
Learn to transition from video into dialoguing with your audience, engaging them with more than ideas, but with take-home value. That is, they watch, say, a video of your playing days, or a portion of a film you appeared in. Then, you connect then with now, following up now with tomorrow.
Learn about keynote speeches, and contact me now.

Get In Touch
AmerIcan Speechwriter
Atlanta, Georgia
+1 630 890 9351