Looking up from the typewriterSpeech writing tips, industry commentary, and looks at the current world of public speaking.
Not Landed Gentry
An entrepreneur is never "landed gentry." We work hard for a living, work hard to give back, and when we rest, do so with the satisfaction that we did our best. Whether you established your own company, freelance, or are an employee, you can have the attitude of an...
Interviewing Skills
Interviewing skills aren't mysterious. You know the job description, but there are key soft skills as well. I've interviewed a lot of leaders and potential leaders through the years. Of course, they have the management and technical skills required to do their job....
Lapel vs Handheld Microphone
There's a debate. Or, there should be. Lapel vs Handheld Microphone. Know why you are using one over the other. And, if you don't have an option, learn to use the one you have to your benefit. A hand-held mic can be an incredible prop (imagine Roger Daltrey, Robert...
Wedding Speeches: Be Sober
Speech Tip: Toasted! Watch how you drink at a wedding. Here are some sobering thoughts: Drinks are common at weddings. Even at the historic Wedding in Cana (Gospel of John), alcohol was expected to be part of the celebration. However, avoid getting pickled before your...
Politics as Unusual: Love, Not Hate in Political Speeches
Politics. Can't live with 'em. Can't... I just can't. I will write speeches for good people who want good things who are willing to say it all in a good way. There are two major ways to write a political speech. Ask most people, and they'll say, "Please, no more...
Speech Tip: Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! (Speeches Aren’t Safe)
Speeches aren't safe. To the contrary. Speakers have been killed because of how afraid others were/are of their message. Scorn can happen as well, which can be intimidating. Either way, say what you believe and then stand by it. Free Speech This isn't a free speech...
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AmerIcan Speechwriter
Atlanta, Georgia
+1 630 890 9351