HONESTY: Hope Hicks admitted to lying. Do you remember? Horrible? Yes, but the thing is, she’s admitted something we like to pretend (but certainly know) that our leaders don’t do. That doesn’t give her a pass. She lied. Period. Lying in whatever...
Speech Tip: Set the Bar High (The Big O) Have you ever gotten a standing ovation? It’s a hard to describe feeling, but when someone receives one, they know. And they know they want another. It is like laughter to a comedian. It is a buzz like no other. No...
You’ve got what it takes to write well: The English alphabet, the same general vocabulary pool, and a strong sense of how to speak. Confident writing is available to you. The rest is fine-tuning. How I Know: I played on the chess team in high school. Sixth...
Great speeches always involve a great message. Personal charisma can help tell that message well, but it is the substance you need to be extraordinary. We envision great speakers as having amazing podium skills. They do, but what sets them apart is something quieter:...
Speech Tip: Under Pressure. How do writers work well under pressure? I possibly have a series of speeches that require an intense schedule. Tight deadlines. If I get the project, I know what’s in store. In the 1997 NBA Finals, Game 5, Chicago Bull’s guard...
I have a sexy job. It isn’t really, but that’s the impression some people have. They’ve watched too many movies romanticize my type of work. In the course of conversation, someone might say, “So, what do you do?” There’s a range of...