630-890-9351 [email protected]

Speech Writing Content?

Speech writing content. It’s an ugly phrase because it misses the point of what a speech is. Completely.

We don’t write content. You need to know that. What we do is organic, part of you.

Instead of dwelling on writing content, remember why you do what you do. Think about the important things. Content writers look at words as a commodity, as a challenge to SEO strategies, as a flaccid product, heartless and meaningless. If they do their job well, they will accomplish all of those goals.

We’re not here to just fill in the blanks. We understand what SEO is and we understand the importance of engagement. But we also understand human beings are involved. You, me, and your audience.

If all this was was content, you could go to AI and ask them to fill in the blanks for you. It would be grammatically correct, and draw from perhaps other great speeches, but it couldn’t possibly know you. We listen, ask hard questions, and get to the meat of what needs to be said.

Focus on the mission at hand. Know why you are speaking. Why you are the chosen speaker? What particular expertise or insight do you bring to the podium? Knowing that changes so much. Know what you want your audience to do when the speech is over.

If all you want is speech writing content, American Speechwriting, a premier speechwriting agency isn’t for you. Head over to ChatGPT or higher a warm body from Fivver. You’ll get all the content you want.

If you want a speech, and not mere content you know how to find us.

Call us if you need help with a speech. It’s what we do.

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