Speech writing content. It’s an ugly phrase because it misses the point of what a speech is. Completely. We don’t write content. You need to know that. What we do is organic, part of you. Instead of dwelling on writing content, remember why you do what you...
Your speech should challenge and build others forward and better. It isn’t for you to brag about your accomplishments, to sell your book, or to push your consulting services. Let your authority be your authority, not your persona. The title of your speech...
People ask me what’s it like writing for famous and influential people. Let me tell you about a project I just finished. Recently, my client got married. He wanted to say thank you to some key people and to say, in romantic and literary terms, how much he loves...
At American Speechwriter, we don’t name drop. We want to. We really, really want to. Our policy, though, is to keep our client list secret. We’ll tell you which companies hired us (unless they asked us not to), but we won’t mention names. If we do,...
Politics. Can’t live with ’em. Can’t… I just can’t. I will write speeches for good people who want good things who are willing to say it all in a good way. There are two major ways to write a political speech. Ask most people, and...
Speeches aren’t safe. To the contrary. Speakers have been killed because of how afraid others were/are of their message. Scorn can happen as well, which can be intimidating. Either way, say what you believe and then stand by it. Free Speech This isn’t a...