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Not Landed Gentry

Not Landed Gentry

An entrepreneur is never “landed gentry.” We work hard for a living, work hard to give back, and when we rest, do so with the satisfaction that we did our best. Whether you established your own company, freelance, or are an employee, you can have the...
Thoughts on MLK’s Dream

Thoughts on MLK’s Dream

At American Speechwriter, I’m in the business of writing speeches. Millions of speeches are delivered each year written by people like me or by the speaker themselves. Most are lost in the wind, but a few genuinely influence the world. This one: I Have a Dream –...
Speech Tip: 26 Will Do You Fine

Speech Tip: 26 Will Do You Fine

You’ve got what it takes to write well: The English alphabet, the same general vocabulary pool, and a strong sense of how to speak. Confident writing is available to you. The rest is fine-tuning. How I Know: I played on the chess team in high school. Sixth...
Speech Tip: How do writers work well under pressure?

Speech Tip: How do writers work well under pressure?

Speech Tip: Under Pressure. How do writers work well under pressure? I possibly have a series of speeches that require an intense schedule. Tight deadlines. If I get the project, I know what’s in store. In the 1997 NBA Finals, Game 5, Chicago Bull’s guard...