Speech Writing Service:
Keynote: Creativity and the Creative Process
Creativity isn’t magic. Mostly, it is work. In my talk, I explain my creative process and my influences. I de-romanticize the life of creative people. I show how those in the non-creative world can themselves be creatives. Sales staff, account managers, designers, customer service people all can benefit.
I include a look at art and music history to back up my point: Even the most flamboyant of creatives worked hard.
That hard work has focus and direction. The audience will understand the why and the how of creativity, and how, in all parts of life, creativity is a necessity.
So hold on. Be ready for an intense, inspiring and offbeat take on life lessons. You just might learn something.
Format: 20-60 minute keynote
This program is perfect for:
- Sales meetings
- Leadership conferences
- Awards events
- Commencement addresses
- The audience will be hungry to make changes in their lives.
- They’ll laugh as they recognize themselves in the quandaries I describe.
- Delivered by executive speechwriter, Anthony Trendl
Contact me to discuss rates and availability.

Get In Touch
AmerIcan Speechwriter
Atlanta, Georgia
+1 630 890 9351