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Vote. We aren’t going to tell you how to cast your vote, but we are going to encourage you to vote. If when you read this, you can still vote, get on with it.According to the Pew Research center, “About two-thirds (66%) of the voting-eligible population...
Politics as Unusual: Love, Not Hate in Political Speeches

Politics as Unusual: Love, Not Hate in Political Speeches

Politics. Can’t live with ’em. Can’t… I just can’t. I will write speeches for good people who want good things who are willing to say it all in a good way. There are two major ways to write a political speech. Ask most people, and...
Text vs Style

Text vs Style

Great speeches always involve a great message. Personal charisma can help tell that message well, but it is the substance you need to be extraordinary. We envision great speakers as having amazing podium skills. They do, but what sets them apart is something quieter:...
Adventures in Speech Writing

Adventures in Speech Writing

I have a sexy job. It isn’t really, but that’s the impression some people have. They’ve watched too many movies romanticize my type of work. In the course of conversation, someone might say, “So, what do you do?” There’s a range of...
Speech Tip: Eulogizing President Bush

Speech Tip: Eulogizing President Bush

Speech Tip: Eulogizing President Bush The eulogy for President George Bush is loaded with challenges. I wrote similar things when John McCain died. Eulogies about public figures such as President Bush, 41, are hard for several reasons. Death is always personal, but...